Brasserie Nieuw Noord
A traditional, decades-old Dutch pub in a working class neighbourhood has acquired a jewel in its brown crown. On 25th November 2016, customers stepped into a magically transformed quirky brasserie called ‘Nieuw Noord’ on a street named Bergweg 80.
Barzileye also paid characteristic attention to historical significance. Incorporated into the interior design is an industrial feel reflecting the surrounding area’s history. The bar is the showpiece. Hexagon black and white artisan tiles in graphic mosaic floral pattern immediately catch the eye. Panelling in subtle shades of blue blend softly with ecru art deco lamps. All of which are nicely complimented by the organic forms of the bar stools, adding a sensual touch to traditional austerity. An intriguing mix of Rotterdam restraint and Parisian frivolity.
Affectionately referring to its size as a chocolate box, Barzilay has nevertheless managed to cleverly create space. Replacing kitchen walls with a black steel construction, and opening up boarded windows allowing light to enter all serve to add dimension and create a vast sense of space. The visual effect is further enhanced by a large number of mirrors in the panelling. Along the walls are specially designed upholstered, wooden benches creating both linear emphasis as well as intimacy
Photography: Peter Baas